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Students and young people have always been ahead of the curve. Our ideas have been changing society and the world around us for more than 100 years. This is a place for students to submit practical ideas on how to make our education system and our society better.

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Climate Action Plans

Universities should publish their climate action strategies to be ranked by an independent body or as part of official ranking lists such as The Times Higher Education, or UCAS. They should also publish their progress towards these strategies in an easy to access location on their websites for students and the public to see

Official response from considering

Revoke cap on student numbers for certain courses

Areas such as the arts are having their intake capped, this should not be happening for various reasons including it limits student choice and the benefits society can currently reap from employing graduates in those areas will be restricted e.g. there will be less qualified teachers in these areas. Whoever wins the next election must commit to reversing/revoking the cap.

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Prevention of ableist feedback on assessments

Require assessment feedback to be screened for offensive language e.g. ableist references to ALS or medical conditions prior to release potentially by 2nd marker. I believe this will help meet the academic equality obligation expected.
Official response from considering

Prevent students paying unit retake fees if evidence can be adduced re medical conditions

Provided medical evidence can be adduced by a student that explains why they failed a unit, they shouldn’t have to repay additional debt caused/exacerbated by a pre-existing medical condition especially if the university is aware of the condition.

Official response from considering

UK-wide initiative to reimburse students

Mandating the next government work with the devolved administrations to tackle lack of refunds to students affected by the pandemic.

Official response from considering

giving students a voice in the COVID inquiry

Students affected by the pandemic through lost learning should be able to have their views aired through for example a collective witness statement by SUs or by the NUS on behalf of students on the impact of the pandemic.

Official response from considering

Non-repayable funding for health insurance.

Healthcare students on mandatory placements should be given access to funds to pay for health insurance which should be non-repayable.

Official response from considering

Grants to provide health insurance to students with mandatory placements

Some courses e.g. midwifery, nursing, ODP etc. require a mandatory number of hours to be spent in placement settings. Students on these courses should be given health insurance as part of this potentially through a grant available after they find a placement location, this is especially important post-pandemic.

Official response from considering

Grants to reduce period poverty.

Universities should all receive a grant to provide free period products and disposal units/bins in all restrooms (gender neutral, mens and womens) to support students, teachers and staff in the fight against period poverty, while also supporting trans+ community.

Official response from considering